The blues and major pentatonics are two of the most essential scales for the guitarist. The guitar lesson below is designed to teach the scales over the entire guitar fretboard. Read the scales left to right (rows) to learn which major pentatonic scale is in the same position as the blues scale. Read vertically (columns) to learn all the fingerings for each scale. Keep in mind the fret number between the diagrams shows you which fret the root note is on. The root isn't necessarily the lowest note on the fretboard nor is it always played with the index finder.
C |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 8th fret → |
← 10th fret →
← 13th fret →
← 3rd fret →
← 5th fret →
G |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 3rd fret → |
← 5th fret →
← 8th fret →
← 10 fret →
← 12th fret →
D |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 10th fret → |
← 12th fret →
← 3rd fret →
← 5th fret →
← 7th fret →
A |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 5th fret → |
← 7th fret →
← 10th fret →
← 12th fret →
← 2nd fret →
E |
Major pentatonic scales |
←12th fret → |
← 2nd fret →
← 5th fret →
← 7th fret →
← 9th fret →
B |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 7th fret → |
← 9th fret →
← 12th fret →
← 2nd fret →
← 4th fret →
F# |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 2nd fret → |
← 4th fret →
← 7th fret →
← 9th fret →
← 11 fret →
C# |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 9th fret → |
← 11th fret →
← 2nd fret →
← 4th fret →
← 6th fret →
A |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 4th fret → |
← 6th fret →
← 9th fret →
← 11th fret →
← 1st fret →
E |
Major pentatonic scales |
←11th fret → |
← 13th fret →
← 4th fret →
← 6th fret →
← 8th fret →
B |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 6th fret → |
← 8th fret →
← 11th fret →
← 13th fret →
← 3rd fret →
F |
Major pentatonic scales |
← 1st fret → |
← 3rd fret →
← 6th fret →
← 8th fret →
← 10th fret →
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