Be Sure To Read All The Information Below So You will Be Prepared


Brian Turner's All Star Student Concert


Saturday, Oct. 13, 7:00 PM

Lone Star College-Kingwood

20000 Kingwood Dr.

The concert is outdoors at the stage in the plaza next to the library unless the weather is bad. In that case it will be located in the teaching theater room CLA 114. The plaza is in the main building that sits on Sorters/McClellen road. It is the building that is furthest west. The sign that says Lone Star College is in front of the building. There is also a yellow blinking pedestrian light in front of the entrance.

From U.S. Hwy. 59, go west on Kingwood Dr. until you come to a dead end. Turn right (Sorters/McClellan Road). Parking is immediately on the left. Walk across the street into the main building. CLA 114 is to the left a few doors.
Approximately thirty students will perform. Please be prepared to stay for the entire event. The students that go on late have worked hard also. Not everyone can play the early spot. It will be unfortunate if they don't have a large audience to encourage and support them also. I expect the event to be over around 10 PM.

Below are some tips for all participants



The All Star Student Concert was a huge success. Thanks for all your hard work!


The All Stars



Andrea Russel


Bill and Pam Stegall



Larry and Cindy Smith


connor on guitar

Connor and Dave (grandpa) Marshall


Dave Mary on guitar

David and Mary Ellen Scott


drew on guitar

Drew Pruit


Elizabeth on guitar

Elizabeth Trask


Isaiah on bass

Isaiah Scott


john on guitar

John Hill


John on banjo

John Hodge


Keyon on guitar

Keyon Ahmadi


loyd on guitar

LLoyd Lyssyj


Morgan on guitar

Morgan Wilson


Reno on guitar

Reno Hartfeil


Rick on guitar

Rick Rickert


Rolando n guitar

Rolando Pena


Trevor on guitar

Tevor Butler


Tyler on guitar

Tyler Smith


Zac on guitar

Zach Hays



The intro band and part of the audience



The Problematics

(Left to right) Brian Turner, Bill Bedgood, David Jerger, and John Regan.
This is the backing band for the students. These guys worked real hard to make it happen.


Steve on guitar

Steve Davis

Professor Steve Davis (Professor Rock-n-Roll) and Lone Star College provided the theater that made the concert possible.

Thanks guys!!!


Past concert pictures

guitar lessons

guitar lessons Kingwood

guitar lessons atascocita

Summer Concert

Featuring Brian Turner's All Star Students

Hosted by the instructor Brian Turner and super troopers Bill Bedgood, David Jerger and John Regan. Special thanks to Lone Star College and Professor Steve Davis for providing the facility.

Saturday, Aug 11, 2012, 7 p.m.