Be Sure To Read All The Information Below So You will Be Prepared
Brian Turner's All Star Student Concert
Saturday, Oct. 13, 7:00 PM
Lone Star College-Kingwood
20000 Kingwood Dr.
Below are some tips for all participants
Students and their friends are invited to participate.
If you do not know what songs to play, ask Mr. Turner for suggestions.
Have your guitar in good playing condition. Be sure you have good
strings on your guitar but don't change your strings the day of the concert.
Change at least a week before the concert. Have a guitar checkup at Humble Music
Get together with other students and rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, and
Meet the other students at the concerts and work up songs together.
Be in tune when you get on stage. Ask Mr. Turner or the advanced
students to help you get in tune. We are there to help you.
Try to project stage presence. Smile and have a good time. Everyone
watching is there to enjoy and they are not going to be critical if you make a mistake.
Bring relatives and friends
Bring your guitars, cables, picks and drumsticks.
not bring amplifiers and drums. You must use our amps and drums.
You may want to bring an ice chest with sodas.
Do not twiddle! Twiddling is playing guitar or drums while I am getting your
partners plugged up and ready to play.
Be prompt! Go from one song to the next and know your order of songs
when you get on stage.
If you sing, keep your mouth very close to the microphone. The P.A. doesn't provide miracles. Sing with confidence directly into the microphone.
Use dynamics. Vocals should be heard over the guitars. Listen closely. Turn down the volume on your guitar when someone is singing.
Don't rush the tempo. Students tend to play songs too fast when performing because they are nervous. Take your time. Don't be in a hurry.
Be in tune, be punctual, and be ready. Face the audience. Relax and smile but most of all have fun. It's only a jam session.
For more information, e-mail Brian at or call him at 281-354-4456.
10 mistakes amateur guitarists make when performing.
1. Tuning on stage
Tuning your guitar should be the last thing you do before getting on stage. If you get out of tune while playing, unplug the guitar and use an electronic tuner. The other members should talk to the audience while you are tuning to keep them distracted. Do not tell the audience you are stalling while the guitarist tunes. This is a perfect time to tell a joke or introduce the members of the band individually.
2. Doodling
Playing riffs on guitar between songs is a no no. When performing, keep the guitar silent except during the songs.
3. Blowing the element of surprise
When the leader calls out a song many musicians are insecure and you can hear them playing the riff in a last minute effort to make sure they know it. The audience knows what song they are about to play. The element of surprise is lost.
4. Rushing the tempo
When performing, our adrenaline is up because we are excited. We tend to play faster or speed up. This is very common. I have been guilty of it myself. When performing, the last thing you should do before starting a song is concentrate on the tempo.
5. Silence between songs
If there is a delay between songs because of technical problems be prepared to talk to the audience. Entertain them with a joke or a story.
6. Acknowledging mistakes
Making a mistake or hitting a bad note is not the worst thing that can happen on stage. The worst thing is letting the audience know that you made a mistake. Do not grimace or sneer when you make a mistake. It is very likely the audience won’t realize you made a mistake unless you tell them verbally or with body language. Never let on. Just move on. Never apologize for mistakes or make excuses for shortcomings. Just do your best and let the audience decide for themselves if they like it.
7. Stepping on a guitar cable
Many guitarists step on their cable. It comes unplugged and makes an obnoxious sound through the amp. This problem is simple to fix. Run the cable through your guitar strap above the strap button before plugging it into your guitar. Make a habit of this and it will never be a problem.
8. Not using dynamics
Play much softer when the vocalist is singing or an instrumentalist is playing the melody. If you are accompanying with rhythm guitar it should be much lower than the melody.
9. Using foul language
Never use foul language on stage. It’s a great idea not to use it off stage either.
10. Dressing bad
You are entertaining people. Give them something nice to look at as well as something nice to hear.
(Left to right) Brian Turner, Bill Bedgood, David Jerger, and John Regan.
This is the backing band for the students. These guys worked real hard to make it happen.
Professor Steve Davis (Professor Rock-n-Roll) and Lone Star College provided the theater that made the concert possible.
Past concert pictures
Summer Concert
Featuring Brian Turner's All Star Students
Hosted by the instructor Brian Turner and super troopers Bill Bedgood, David Jerger and John Regan. Special thanks to Lone Star College and Professor Steve Davis for providing the facility.
Saturday, Aug 11, 2012, 7 p.m.